Friday, June 26, 2009


We must urge our United State Senate and The Congress to stop the corporate corruption in the health care industry; especially the insurance companies who think of only profits denying basic services and medical procedures killing 1000s of Americans each year. The corporations insurance companies our gouging us went it comes to health care for all Americans and we need to put a stop to this by calling our U.S. House of Representation. To tell them that we want a public option and a single payer health care system as part of reform deal. This will keep medical cost down, create competition in the health industry, and create a million new jobs in the U.S.A. Their our currently 40 Republican U.S. Senators who do not want to sign on to this health plan.

Advocate for Seniors and the Disabled
Elms Oscar

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Healthcare Reform

The time has come to reform the healthcare system; it’s time to put the United States Senate on notice because the people have spoken when they elected President Barack Obama because he wants to reform the healthcare system. The healthcare system is broken, to insinuate that it’s a free market system where competition thrives this is total non-sense, it’s more like a monopoly where big corporations reaping the profits, and keeps the cost very high…………….The American Medical Associate (AMA), and the insurance industry control the cost of healthcare and they feed on this. They decide who lives and dies. In a country as wealthiest the United States everyone should be entitle to healthcare coverage that should a natural right. Seventy-two percent of the people want a public option while twenty-two are opposed to it. We can not allow forty Republican Senators to stand in the way of healthcare reform this is Un-American and unacceptable………….I speak with at least 150 people a day across California and they vote. Healthcare cost is destroying our economy and voters of our country are not going to tolerate this anymore.
We need a single payer Healthcare System and a public option. There are at least 47,000,000 Americans without healthcare coverage. Yet, during a recent poll 76% of the people in our country said that they want a single payer health system according to U.S. Senator Bernard Sanders (I-VT). United States Senator John McCain (R-AZ) said “How are we going to pay for this.” Well I have words for John McCain: Let us raise taxes on the top 2% of the wealthiest Americans. We have lowered taxes three times since the Ronald Reagan Presidency from 79% to 29%, on the top 2% of the wealthiest Americans, and this has not created more jobs. In fact, the economy has contracted.
The words is out on the Republican U.S. Senators that their lining their pockets with the lobbyist from the medical industry. It’s all about the money on their tables, the food they eat, the cars that they drive, and the communities where they live. This is not what the people bargained for. Universal healthcare for ever American will create a 1,000,000 new jobs.…………..
Went an ambulance service charges Medicaid $350.00 to take me three miles to the emergency ward that is outrageous. A cab does not charge anyone $350.00 to take them three miles. We need to set prices on what the medical professionals and medical establishments can charge, we need to set prices on insurance premiums. We need to standardize prices in the medical industry We can get ideas from the healthcare system in Japan, Canada, and the United Kingdom. We pay twice as must as any other country for healthcare.

Respectfully Yours,

Elms Oscar
“Advocate For Seniors and the Disabled 10,000 Strong”